
Just So Stories

This entry was posted on 14 May 2013.

How did the leopard get his spots? Why do cats act as though they own the place? What does a crocodile like best for lunch? Why are rhinos so cranky? What causes the ocean tides to rise and fall? Who wrote the alphabet?

Generations of children have grown up with the Just So Stories and have been captivated by Kipling’s wonderful insights into the world around us - all delivered in his mesmerising, read-aloud prose.

Introducing Jackie Cameron Cooks at Home

This entry was posted on 03 May 2013.

Jackie Cameron is one of the most exciting chefs working in South Africa today. Under her leadership the Hartford House restaurant in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands has been in the top 10 in all of the South African culinary awards, achieving the first when she was just 25 years old.

Jackie Cameron Cooks at Home shows the professional taking off her chef’s tunic and donning her home apron.

10 Tips on How to Stay Sane as a Debut Novelist

This entry was posted on 23 April 2013.
  1. Don’t quit your job before you have a book deal. Very sensible advice that I spectacularly failed to follow. I left my job as a literary agent and stepped into the terrifying world of no salary, no professional support and no real hope of achieving what I was setting out to achieve. It was a very rocky ride.
  2. Do join a writing group – they will keep you sane, help you to stay on track, and remind you that there are other people in the world crazy enough to be battling all day with words on paper.


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