Golf: All the facts. All the stats. All the stories.

This entry was posted on 02 August 2012.
Introducing The Extraordinary Book of South African Golf (in English and Afrikaans)

The Extraordinary Book of South African Golf is a must read for any golf fanatic. Drawing from years of experience as a sports and golf journalist, Michael Vlismas has put together a fascinating collection of trivia, quotes,amazing scores, hilarious anecdotes and behind-the scenes tales from South African golf.

This extraordinary book of South African golf trivia contains captivating stories such as:

          • the vervet monkeys who hijacked the TV crew during a major tournament
          • the South African golf club that is famous for its snakes
          • Jaco van Zyl winning the SA PGA championship from a rose bed
          • the farmer who drove his tractor 30km to plant grass for his local course
          • how Simon Hobday once threatened to put a hit out on a spectator and his wife
          • the hole-in-one prize that nobody wanted to win … and much more

Michael Vlismas is an independent sports journalist and broadcaster who works in both the South African and the international arena. Having begun his career as a general sports reporter at the Pretoria News, he now owns his own sports media agency that covers a variety of sports, but specialises in golf. Michael is the golf correspondent for the Sunday Times and City Press in South Africa. He also writes a weekly golf column for the Pretoria News and is the Africa golf correspondent for the American publication, Global Golf Post. He is also the editor of the South African golf publication Tee to Green.


Die uitsonderlike boek van Suid-Afrikaanse gholf is ’n móét lees vir enige gholf-fanatikus. Michael Vlismas het uit jare se ervaring as sport en gholfjoernalis geput om ’n fassinerende versameling trivia, aanhalings, ongelooflike tellings, skreeusnaakse staaltjies en verhale van agter die skerms van Suid-Afrikaanse gholf saam te stel. 

Hierdie uitsonderlike Suid-Afrikaanse gholfboek bevat boeiende trivia soos:

    • die blouape wat die kameraspan gedurende ’n belangrike toernooi gekaap het
    • die Suid-Afrikaanse gholfklub wat bekend is vir sy slange
    • Jaco van Zyl se SA PGA-oorwinning vanuit ’n roosbedding
    • die boer wat 30 km met sy trekker gery het om gras op sy plaaslike gholfbaan te plant
    • hoe Simon Hobday gedreig het om ’n toeskouer en sy vrou te laat vermoor
    • die kolhou-prys wat niemand wou wen nie … en veel meer.

Michael Vlismas is ‘n onafhanklike sportsjoernalis en kommentator. Hy het sy loopbaan begin as ‘n algemene sportsjoernalis by die Pretoria News maar bestuur nou sy eie mediabesigheid waar hy betrokke is by verskeie sportsoorte maar spesialiseer in gholf. Hy is die gholf korrespondent vir verskeie plaaslike publikasies asook die internationale Global Golf Post.

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