Introducing Business in Africa: Corporate Insights

This entry was posted on 03 October 2012.
Practical insights to help you take your business to new heights in Africa.

High-growth, high-return Africa, with much improved trading conditions, is the most sought after frontier destination for global investment today. However, there are 54 countries on the continent and even rigorous business plans can run aground on the unique and complex set of circumstances found in each of them. Business in Africa: Corporate Insights takes the reader to the coal face of doing business on the continent. 

Business information on Africa might be increasing, but there is no substitute for operational experience. That is what this book offers, in articles by, and interviews with, people at the forefront of developments. They offer unique insights into the challenges and peculiarities of operating in Africa, and point out trends and likely future opportunities.

Drawing on McKinsey & Associates, the Brenthurst Foundation and the Gordon Institute of Business Science for a picture of Africa’s economic performance and future trends, contributions to the book also come from individuals such as veteran Africa analyst Dr Duncan Clarke, Nigerian business leader Tony Elumelu, economic commentator Greg Mills of the Brenthurst Foundation, South African publisher Khanyi Dhlomo and Africa branding expert Doug de Villiers. The book also includes insights from global companies such as GE, Coca-Cola, Actis, Du PontCarlson Rezidor Hotel Group, Nando’s and Anglogold Ashanti and household names in Africa such as MTN, MultiChoice, UBAWebber WentzelImperial LogisticsTBWALiberty PropertiesSeed CoWilderness Holdings and SacOil.

About the compiler

Dianna Games is a leading commentator on business issues, trends and developments in Africa. A former journalist who hails from Zimbabwe and is now based in South Africa, she has travelled extensively around the continent over the past two decades. She is the author of many published reports on African business issues and is a columnist on Africa for Business Day newspaper in South Africa. She is also Chief Executive of business consultancy Africa At Work and an executive member of the SA-Nigeria Chamber of Commerce in Johannesburg.


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