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Sasol First Field Guide to Skywatching In Southern Africa

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November 2015
About the book: 

Sasol First Field Guide to Skywatching in Southern Africa  is a fascinating insight into the southern skies by night. Full-colour photo graphs and illustrations, monthly star charts and easy-to-read text will help the budding astronomer to identify the more visible objects in our night skies, as well as those that are less obvious, and discover some of the extraordinary phenomena of our galaxy.

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About the Author
Cliff Turk het al meer as 1000 lesings oor ’n verskeidenheid astronomiese onderwerpe gegee en het ook talle naglugwaarnemings aan allerlei groepe aangebied. Hy is ’n erelid van die Astronomiese Vereniging van Suider-Afrika en het voorheen as voorsitter (1986–1987), besigheidsbestuurder (1996–2009) en eretesourier (2003–2010) gedien. Hy is ook ’n lid van die Royal Astronomical Society in Londen, ’n lid van die British Astronomical Association en ’n erelid van die Hampshire Astronomical Group.

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