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The Politics of Experience and the Bird of Paradise

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December 2003
About the book: 

In "The Politics of Experience" and the visionary "Bird of Paradise", R.D. Laing shows how the straitjacket of conformity imposed on us all leads to intense feelings of alienation and a tragic waste of human potential. He throws into question the notion of normality, examines schizophrenia and psychotherapy, transcendence and 'us and them' thinking, and illustrates his ideas with a remarkable case history of a ten-day psychosis. 'We are bemused and crazed creatures', Laing suggests. This outline of 'a thoroughly self-conscious and self-critical human account of man' represents a major attempt to understand our deepest dilemmas and sketch in solutions. 'Everyone in contemporary psychiatry owes something to R.D. Laing' - Anthony Clare, the "Guardian".