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It Can't be True

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November 2013
About the book: 

Get ready to believe the unbelievable with It Can't Be True It Can't be True! lets you in on life's little secrets that seem unbelievable but are totally true. For example: Did you know that the Moon is the same size as Australia? Or that a blue whale's heart is as large as a car? Explore a world of subjects, from the tiniest microchips to the massive, swirling planet Jupiter, with stunning photographs and images to help you visualise and understand each comparison. Learning is made easy and fun with amazing pictures and graphics that describe incredible facts to satisfy even the most curious children. With easy-to-read headlines and simple explanations, It Can't be True! is the first book of its kind to deliver a major "Wow!" moment as you turn each page. Full of the most recent, verified facts and statistics full of facts that prove truth is stranger than fiction It Can't be True! is the definitive "Did you know...?" explorer's guide.

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