Young Readers

Review of Bodyguard: Hostage
18 June 2013
When I received Hostage to review, I was quite excited to begin reading. I read Chris Bradford's first book, The Way of the Warrior, a couple of months ago and I really enjoyed it! It was incredibly well-written and action packed. If you thought The Way of the Warrior was good, Hostage was even better, containing nail-biting, on the-edge-...
Tammy February Reviews The 5th Wave
13 June 2013
For the last couple of weeks or so, Rick Yancey’s The 5th Wave has been the subject of discussion amongst many of the book blogging community members I regularly chat to.  Words such as brilliant, phenomenal and gobsmackingly awesome were being freely tossed around, while others made mention of this novel definitely being a strong...
Rick Yancey's The 5th Wave: The Sci-fi Thriller of 2013
05 June 2013
THE 1TH WAVE took out half a million people. THE 2ND WAVE put that number to shame. THE 3RD WAVE lasted a little longer, twelve weeks... four billion dead. IN THE 4TH WAVE, you can’t trust that people are still people. AND THE 5TH WAVE? No one knows. But it’s coming. On a lonely stretch of highway, Cassie runs...
Tammy February Reviews From What I Remember
27 May 2013
One would think that, based on From What I Remember's cover, that the book is all cotton candy and fluffy goodness.  Well, you'd be right in a sense.  But you'd be wrong in assuming that it's just that and nothing more. Because the truth is, that From What I Remember is one of those books that ends up really...
Just So Stories
14 May 2013
How did the leopard get his spots? Why do cats act as though they own the place? What does a crocodile like best for lunch? Why are rhinos so cranky? What causes the ocean tides to rise and fall? Who wrote the alphabet? Generations of children have grown up with the Just So Stories and have been captivated by Kipling’s wonderful insights...


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