
Louise Stevenson reviews Year of the Gherkin

This entry was posted on 13 March 2012.

Set in Cape Town, the main character is Jason Brydon - "Jase" to his friends. The downsides for Jason: he hates his job as a paint salesman almost as much as he hates his boss, his credit card is maxed out, his dad is an alcoholic and he doesn’t wish to talk about his sister. And to top it all off he is looking for the perfect woman to be at the side of the “Jasonator”. But all is not going as well as it should…

Win some beautiful Classics

This entry was posted on 27 February 2012.

These are books that belong on every bookshelf and we love their vibrant, modern covers (which were redesigned under the Puffin imprint). Austen's Pride and Prejudice is an eye-catching cerise while Bram Stoker's Dracula features a ghostly blonde in a white dress, floating on a sea of black. All of them have delicate silver foiling and they look just beautiful together.

There are three hampers up for grabs and each will contain three books, made up of the titles in the featured picture.

Me Before You: a Review

This entry was posted on 17 February 2012.

Our Social Media Manager Belinda tells us her thoughts:

Let me know just blurt it out, right from the start. Me Before You is one of the most emotional, heart-wrenching books I’ve read in the past few years. It is women’s fiction but I wouldn’t dare called it ‘chick-lit’, in the traditional sense.

Our Books hit the Big Screen

This entry was posted on 03 February 2012.

Our Social Media Manager Belinda tells us what she thinks:

We all know that feeling. A book you just LOVED has been made into a movie and you simply can't wait to see it. The actors they're using aren't exactly how you imagined them but still, you're clutching your popcorn in excitement as the lights dim and the music starts.

Our Publicist Jean reviews "100 Years of Struggle"

This entry was posted on 25 January 2012.

When I first heard about Heidi Holland’s new book, I have to admit that the thought of ploughing through a doorstop of ANC history was rather daunting.

However, I quickly realised that I was in for a pleasant surprise. Not only is the book accessible in terms of its size, but it also tells the story of the ANC through the anecdotes of its members, thereby offering a fresh take on Africa’s oldest liberation movement.

South African in King Pie stores

This entry was posted on 19 January 2012.

Don't you just love Alex Latimer's illustrations? We think they're full of energy and whimsy and really helped to bring the South African tales within this book alive.

Last year, King Pie approached us as they were keen to foster literary talent amongst young South Africans and they wondered if we wanted to help.

And what an adventure it was! We sifted through thousands of submissions. Some were heart-breaking, some were inspirational but all of the carefully chosen stories in the final book shared an originality and true South African-ness at their heart.

New Year's Resolutions anyone?

This entry was posted on 04 January 2012.

Some call it weight loss. Others call it dieting. Some prefer the more holistic sounding "eating more healthily". Call it what you like but we bet that something food-related is probably at the top of your New Year's resolution list for 2012...are we right?

Jamie's Great Britain: your free recipe

This entry was posted on 07 December 2011.

Jamie Oliver's newest book is called Jamie's Great Britain and it celebrates all that's beautiful about his homeland and its bountiful produce. Jamie himself describes it as "Full of comfort food and food that's like a big old hug" (we all could all do with a hug now and then). We hope the recipe below gives you a taste for the rest of the gorgeous meals inside...enjoy!


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