
Review: Making Finn

This entry was posted on 27 February 2013.

When this book landed on my desk I liked it instantly. I loved the gorgeous image of the little boy, the soft green colour of the background and the smooth natural texture of the actual cardboard. Yes, I was clearly judging a book by its cover, but the cover was a good a place to start as any.

The NoMU Recipe Box

This entry was posted on 11 February 2013.

Since creating the original NoMU range of products in December 2000, Tracy Foulkes has continued to produce quality food products and concepts that are an honest and authentic reflection of what she needs in her own kitchen. Now with more than 87 months of distributing her much-loved Recipe Mailers, sharing her creativity and passion for the food that makes her tick, Tracy has partnered with Penguin Books SA to produce another innovative first for South Africa – the NoMU Recipe Box.

One Couple’s Unconventional Journey to Motherhood

This entry was posted on 05 February 2013.

Susan’s childhood dream of becoming a mother has not diminished with the revelation, alarming both to herself and her bewildered family, that she does, in fact, ‘bat for the other team’. Having made peace with her identity and having finally found a beloved partner, she is now faced with a daunting problem: with no penis around, how the hell do you make babies?

Review: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

This entry was posted on 24 January 2013.

One of my current favourite songs is a song called All this and Heaven too, by Florence and the Machine.

In this tune, Florence Welch sings about how the language of the heart is hard to translate. She croons about it speaking in whispers and sighs, and prayers and proclamations.  She acknowledges its eloquent beauty and its indescribable splendour.

2013 (Re)solutions

This entry was posted on 14 January 2013.

The fireworks have faded, the leftovers are finished and photos of the last holiday of 2012 adorn your Facebook page. So now what?

Alas, it’s time to head back to reality and to face up to those resolutions that were so easy to proclaim to family and friends but may not be as easy to stick to. Never fear though, Penguin Books have a host of titles to help you achieve your goals and to make 2013 the best year yet.

Eat better, exercise more and lose weight

A perennial favourite when it comes to New Year’s resolutions and one of the hardest to achieve.


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