
Q&A with Anthony Schneider, Author of A Quiet Kind of Courage

This entry was posted on 20 March 2013.

Tell us a little about where your ideas for your characters and their stories come from.

The book started with geography – a man born in one country, who moves to another country, then is forced into exile from the place he calls home. That idea then led me to history as I discovered Henry – grumpy octogenarian and idealistic younger man, activist and exile, father and grandfather. He shares traits with me, bits of his biography with one of my grandfathers, shares a profession with my father and, like me, makes his home in New York City.

Introducing The Bushman Winter has Come

This entry was posted on 13 March 2013.

This is a true story of exodus, the inevitable journey of the last of the First People, as they leave the Great Sand Face and head for the modern world and cultural oblivion.

Paul John Myburgh spent seven years with the ‘People of the Great Sand Face’, a group of /Gwikwe Bushmen in the Kalahari Desert. For Myburgh, they were years of physical and spiritual immersion into a way of life of which only an echo remains in living memory.

Emma van der Vliet Returns with Thirty Second World

This entry was posted on 13 March 2013.

Alison seems to have life sorted. Despite her high-flying job producing commercials she still manages to keep her infant son on the breast and her daughter in Strawberry Pops. But her texts to her best friend Evie tell a much less glamorous story.

Beth is new to the ad industry and desperate to impress. But the more she succeeds at work, the more things seem to be unravelling at home. And to make matters worse, she’s finding it hard to resist the advances of a sleazy colleague.

Introducing Anthony Schneider's A Quiet Kind of Courage

This entry was posted on 11 March 2013.

Henry Wegland, a former ANC activist now living in New York City with his son, encourages Saul, his grandson, to travel to South Africa to make a documentary about the people involved in the country’s liberation.

Saul begins to unravel the dark secrets of his grandfather’s past and the shocking events that led to his exile, when he is kidnapped in a rural township. Henry, now in his twilight years, must come to a new understanding of his son and make peace with the choices he once made for them both.


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