
April 29th, 2013

April 23rd

10 Tips on How to Stay Sane as a Debut Novelist

This entry was posted on 23 April 2013.
  1. Don’t quit your job before you have a book deal. Very sensible advice that I spectacularly failed to follow. I left my job as a literary agent and stepped into the terrifying world of no salary, no professional support and no real hope of achieving what I was setting out to achieve. It was a very rocky ride.
  2. Do join a writing group – they will keep you sane, help you to stay on track, and remind you that there are other people in the world crazy enough to be battling all day with words on paper.

April 18th

April 17th

April 16th

April 15th

April 12th

John Carlin to write The Oscar Pistorius Story

This entry was posted on 12 April 2013.

The book will detail the rise and fall of Oscar Pistorius, with publication shortly after the trial ends.

Ravi Mirchandani, Editor-in-Chief of Atlantic Books, comments: “As a former South Africa correspondent for the Independent and as author of the international bestseller Playing The Enemy, John is the ideal writer to do justice to all the many issues surrounding the Oscar Pistorius case and trial. We’re delighted to be publishing his book and much look forward to working with him again.”

April 10th

Penguin Books SA to Publish Unbelievable! by Chad le Clos

This entry was posted on 10 April 2013.

The young swimmer shot to fame and won the hearts of South Africa and the world when he beat world champion Michael Phelps in the 200m butterfly to win gold at the 2012 Olympic Games in London. Chad also won silver in the 100m butterfly, and he was named the South African Sportsman of the Year 2012. These remarkable achievements came at the age of twenty.

April 8th


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